GO - Grocery Outlet Holding Corp8:00:00 PM 5/17/2024
+ 0.65 (2.98%)
Grocery Outlet Holding Corp. is a chain of discount supermarkets that offer discounted, overstocked and closeout products from name brand and private label suppliers. The company has stores in California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Nevada and Pennsylvania. The majority of Grocery Outlet’s stores are independently operated by locally based, married couples. Each store has flexibility in its product offerings to serve local tastes and demand. The Read family founded the company in 1946. The formal name is Grocery Outlet Bargain Market.
Quarterly financials
(USD)Mar 2024Q/Q
Gross Profit303.9MM+2%
Cost Of Revenue733MM+6%
Operating Income563K-97%
Operating Expenses--
Net Income-1MM-107%
Stock Chart

Short Volume Ratio = Short Volume / All Volume. Source of Short Volume data comes from 


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Relative Strength Index (RSI) is a momentum oscillator that measures the speed and change of price movements. RSI oscillates between zero and 100. According to Wilder, RSI is considered overbought when above 70 and oversold when below 30.

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