Catalog/Specialty Distribution Stocks22-00-2024 20:00:00 PM
+ 3.60%
The list of companies include IMBI-iMedia Brands Inc, QRTEA-Qurate Retail Inc, QRTEB-Qurate Retail Inc, ARTL-Artelo Biosciences Inc, EVLV-Evolv Technologies Holdings Inc
* Latest intraday update before market close @ 13:45:35 PM 04/23/2024
Average return is up 1.2%
Median return is up 0.9%
3 out of 4 stocks are up (limited to those with intraday pricing feeds).
Top Movers
DADA 0.0%BZUN + 0.8%EVLV + 0.9%PDD + 3.1%

Aggregated price index with volume information


  • Catalog/Specialty Distribution stocks up 3.6% on average while median return up 2.5% in a day
  • Catalog/Specialty Distribution stocks up 0.8% on average while median return up 0.7% in a week
  • Catalog/Specialty Distribution stocks down 9.0% on average while median return down 4.6% in a month
  • When average return is significantly different from median return, this implies an asymmetry - composite return is driven by some outliners.

Aggregated price index (close) is based on equal weighted constituencies returns. Average short volume and average total volumes are averaged across all volume data among constituencies.

Related Stocks
PE Ratio
P/B (mrq)
P/S (ttm)
Earning Growth
Short %
Held By Institutions %
Price Pattern
Resist Support
Days Since Channel Change
Channel Slope (daily rate %)
* P/E and MarketCap are refreshed daily using IEX Cloud service. P/B, P/S, PEG, growth, short%, HelbyInstitute are refreshed weekly using Yahoo feeds. For latest stock stats please visit Yahoo Finance.
* Price Patter: / is upward trend, \ is downward trend, - is sideway. Click on the ticker to go to stock page to see Bayesian Trend model plot of the time series.
* Channel and change points are derived from Bayesian Trend model, where the channel slope is the growth rate while change points are those the model partition the time series.
Detail Performance Summary
  • 1M winners are : Winners for past month are $EVLV 7.5%, $BZUN 1.7%, $PDD 1.5%
  • 1M losers are : Losers for past month are $ARTL -10.7%, $QRTEB -17.6%, $DADA -20.5%
  • 1W winners are : Winners for past week are $PDD 8.6%, $BZUN 2.5%, $QRTEB 1.0%
  • 1W losers are : Losers for past week are $EVLV -2.5%, $ARTL -6.3%
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Correlation Analysis

Index correlation analysis

Correlation for the past month is 11.5%, for the past 3 months is 16.6%

In the past month for a 5 days rolling window, the highest corrrelation is 44.2%, the lowest correlation is -17.7%, the latest correlation is 28.7%

When a correlation deviated from the normal level and goes lower or even negative, it indicates some of stocks have deviated from the normal direction of the group. The deviation could reverse if long term level of correlation was at a higher level. It creates trading opportunities and deserves study whether the deviation is idiosyncratic or systematic.

Among pairwise correlation, the highest correlation is 75.8% between BZUN and PDD

The lowest correlation is -44.0% between DADA and QRTEB

Stock news

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